Finding a PCB manufacturer could prove to be a time-consuming and risky task. A web search returns many search results with no easy way to compare the various PCB companies and their capabilities. The good news is that we have done a lot of the research and analysis for you.

List of PCB manufacturers list

As a start, we have compiled the table below, which shows some of the manufacturing capabilities and information about customer reviews for eight primary PCB manufacturers.

CriteriaAdvanced Circuits/4pcb.comSunstone CircuitsBay Area Circuitsallpcb.comjlcpcb.compcbgogo.compcbway.comCamptech
# of Google reviews69312 reviews on Trustpilot151 Facebook reviews17 reviews on Trustpilot57 reviews on Trustpilot10
Avg. review rating (out of 5)
Extensiveness/depth of the information offered in reviewsPoorFairFairGoodGoodGoodGoodGood
Overall do the reviews seem trustworthyNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Controlled impedanceYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Minimum hole size0.1 mm.15 mm.08 mm0.2 mm0.2 mm.15 mm0.1 mm0.05 mm
Trace width/Trace Spacing3 mil3 mil3 mil/3 mil4 mil5 mil/5mil3 mil/3 mil3 mil/3 mil3 mil/3 mil
Aspect ratio12:115:112:120:112:1
Routing tolerance± .15 mm± .08 mm± 0.15 mm± 0.2 mm± 0.2 mm± .15 mm
Min. SMT Pitch0.25 mm.1mm0.4 mm.15 mm
Blind & Buried viasYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYes
Via in padYesNoYesYesYes
Stacked micro-viasYesYesYesNoYesYesYes
Flexible PCBNoNoNoYesNoYesYesYes
Overall score based on fabrication capabilities, quality & customer service reviews (10 being highest)66.5777889
Advanced Circuits/4pcb.comSunstone CircuitsBay Area

Camptech Circuits

For over 40 years, electronics manufacturers have trusted and relied on Camptech II Circuits’ expertise and production capabilities to manufacture their printed circuit boards. Whether your PCB is a simple one layer design or you require a multilayer board with controlled impedance and stacked microvias built, you can depend on us to manufacture your circuit boards with affordable pricing.

Camptech’s PCB Manufacturing Capabilities


  • 2 to 10 days for prototypes
  • 5 days to 4 weeks for production

PCB Types


  • White
  • Black
  • Yellow
  • Custom Colors
Components locations and other markings on a PCB are identified using a silkscreen legend. PCB silkscreen legend


  • Solder mask registration tolerance – up to +/-0.002”
  • Minimum width of solder mask bridge: 4mil (Green), 5mil (other color); 8 mil on copper area

Soldermask colors

  • Green
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Black
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Custom colors
  • Peelable Mask

Soldermask types

  • Liquid Photo Imageable (LPI)
  • Laser Direct Imaging (LDI)

Aspect Ratio

  • 12:1
  • The Aspect Ratio is defined as the scale of board thickness compared to the diameter of the drilled via. If you have a board with a 0.24″ thickness and a via with a 0.02″ diameter, the aspect ratio is 12:1. The higher this ratio, the increased plating that will be around a via compared to inside the via.

    PCB aspect ratio


    Laminate Materials

    Blind/Buried Vias

    • Minimum epoxy filled via hole diameter – 4 mil
    • Maximum aspect ratio for filled vias – 10:1
    • Epoxy fill types – conductive & non-conductive

    A blind via is a connection from an outer layer of a board to one or more inner layers without exiting out the opposite side of the board.

    Blind, buried, through-hole PCB vias

    Plugged Vias

    • Solder mask
    • Non-Conductive Epoxy
    • Finished hole size for via filled with resin: 4mil to 22.5 mil>

    Routing Tolerance

    • ± 5 mil

    Inner Layer Copper

    Inner copper layer Minimum trace/space
    0.5 oz.0.003”
    1 oz.0.00375”
    2 oz.0.005”
    3 oz.0.009”
    4 oz.0.012”



    Scoring Tolerance

    • ± 10 mil

    Outer Layer Copper

    Outer copper layerMinimum trace/space
    0.5 oz.0.003”
    1 oz.0.0045”
    2 oz.0.007”
    3 oz.0.009”
    4 oz.0.014”
    5 oz to 20 oz.Please contact us


    Stacked Microvias

    • Yes

    Number of Layers

    A PCB is made up of layers of copper foil and insulating material, laminated to the substrate.

    Pad (Ring)

    • Min pad size for laser drilling – 10 mil (4 mil laser via)
    • Min pad size for mechanical drilling – 16 mil  (8 mil drilling)
    • Min BGA pad size – 7 mil


    • Minimum trace width – 3 mil
    • Minimum trace spacing – 3 mil

    Controlled Impedance & Simulations

    •  ± 10% tolerance

    Hole Sizes

    Minimum mechanical hole size

    • 6 mil

    Laser hole size

    • Minimum 4 mil, maximum – 6 mil

    PCB drill hole size

    Minimum SMT Pitch

    • 5 mil

    Layer to Layer Registration

    • ± 3 mil

    Via in Pad

    • Yes

    Min. Dielectric Thickness

    • 2 mil

    Other Services

    • Panelization
    • Profiling
    • Routing
    • V-Scoring
    • Edge-Plating
    • Control Depth Holes
    • Countersink Holes
    • Castellation Holes

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.

    This company is MIL-PRF-31032, MIL-PRF-55110G, AS9100C, ISO 9001:2008 Certified, IPC 6012 Class 2, 3 and 3A Qualified, and ITAR Registered. They operate divisions in Aurora, CO, Tempe, AZ, and Maple Grove, MN. Advanced Circuits offers printed circuit board manufacturing with two options: Standard & Custom Spec.  Choosing between the two options will depend on your PCB design requirements and specifications. Here are some highlights of their service:
    • Lead Time: Same Day – 4 Weeks
    • Layer Count: 0 – 40 Layers
    • Cu Weight: Up to 20 oz.
    • Trace/Space: Down to .0025” 
    • Via-In-Pad 
    • Blind & Buried Vias
    • Laser Direct Imaging
    • Oversized Boards
    • Stacked Microvias
    • Down To .3mm Pitch
    • Cavity Boards
    • Buried Chip Resistors
    • Laser-Drilled Microvias

    Advanced Circuits’ PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    Layer Count0 – 10 Layers0 – 40 Layers
    Turn TimeSame Day – 5 DaySame Day – 4 Weeks
    Quantity Req.1 – 10000+1 – 10000+
    MaterialsFR-4FR-4/Rogers/Polyimide/Aluminum Clad/High-Temp. FR4 & others
    Plating FinishLead-Free HAL*Electrolytic Hard Gold/Soft Gold/ENIG/Nickel/Immersion Silver
    OSP/Leaded & Lead-Free HAL
    Cert. / QualificationsIPC Class 2 – A600IPC6012 Class 2-3A / IPC6018 Class 3  MIL-PRF-31032 / MIL-PRF-55110 / ISO
    9001:2008 / AS9100C
    Board Thickness.031″ / .062″ / .093″ / .125″Full Range Available
    Copper  Weight1 oz. Inner / Up to 2 oz. Outer0.5 – 4 oz. Inner / 1 – 20 oz. Outer
    Trace/Space5 / 5 MilsDown to 2.75 / 3 Mils
    Solder Mask (LPI)GreenVarious Color Options
    LegendWhiteVarious Color Options
    Min. Hole Size0.010″0.004″
    Hole Tolerance+/- 0.005″+/- 0.003″ (Upon Request)
    Route Tolerance+/- 0.010″+/- 0.005″ (Upon Request)
    Slots/Cutouts/EdgesNon-Plated OnlyPlated / Non-Plated
    Plated HolesPlated / Non-PlatedPlated / Non-Plated
    UL Markings/DatesYes**Yes**
    Lead-Free MarkingsYesYes
    Gold FingersYesYes
    Castellated HolesXYes
    Controlled DielectricXYes
    Controlled ImpedanceXYes
    Counter SinksXYes
    Counter BoresXYes
    Blind/Buried ViasXYes
    Mask Plugged ViasXYes
    Etch BackXYes
    Tetra EtchXYes
    Cover CoatXYes
    Cavity ProcessXYes
    Laser RoutXYes
    LPI LegendXYes
    Edge MillXYes
    Unique  SerializationXYes
    Back DrillingXYes
    Controlled Depth DrillXYes

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.

    Sunstone Circuits

    Based in Mulino, Oregan, Sunstone Circuits offers PCB fabrication services.

    Here is the list of their manufacturing capabilities:

    Sunstone Circuits’ PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    Drill Capabilities
    Smallest Drill Size0.005″
    Largest Drill Size0.250″  +/- 0.002″
        *Note: Holes > 0.250″ are considered cutouts
    Positional Tolerance
    Control Depth Tolerance+/- 0.0005″
    Blind / Buried ViaYes
    Min. Pad Size (via)via + 0.006″
    Min. Pad Size (component)hole + 0.010″
    Route Capabilities
    Board Size Tolerances (Rout)+/- 0.003″
    Board Size Tolerance (Laser)+/- 0.001″
    V-Score Web Thickness+/- 0.002″
    V-Score Line Width+/- 0.002″
    Etch Tolerances
    Trace width (of design)+/- 0.0005″
    Minimum Trace Width0.002″
    Surface Finish
    Tin / Lead Solder (HASL)Yes
    Immersion SilverYes*
    Copper OnlyYes*
    Full Body Hard GoldYes*
    Soft Bondable GoldYes*
    Lead Free SolderYes*
     *Denotes RoHS Compliant Finish
    Board Parameters
    Layer Count 0 – 36
    Board Thickness0.003″ – 0.187
    Copper Weight (finished)0.25 oz – 6 oz
    FR-4 150 Tg (RoHS Compliant)Yes
    FR-4 170 Tg (RoHS Compliant)Yes
    Rogers RO 3000(R) SeriesNo
    Rogers RO 4000(R) SeriesYes
    Rogers RT/duroid(R) Series (5000 and 6000 Series)Yes
    UL Listed
    ITAR Registered
    Other Sunstone Capabilities
    Controlled Impedance
    Full-Service CAM Tooling

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.

    Bay Area Circuits

    The company has been serving the advanced PCB manufacturing needs of design engineering firms in the commercial, industrial, and medical industries, contract assemblers, and original equipment manufacturers for over 40 years.

    Bay Area Circuits’ PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    Standard CapabilityAdvanced Capability
    Minimum Layer Count11
    Maximum Layer Count1630
    Finished Hole Size0.010″0.004″
    Surface FinishesHASL, ENIG, Hard Gold, Soft Gold (see all below)ENEPIG, OSP, EPIG (see all below)
    MaterialsFR-4, High Temp FR-4, Isola, RogersPTFE/Duroid, Polyimide, Flex
    Controlled Impedance+/- 10%+/- 5%
    Annular Ring0.006″0.003″ Mechanical, 0.001″ Laser
    Outer Layers Finished Copper1.5 oz to 2 oz1 oz to 5 oz
    Inner Layers Finished Copper0.5 oz to 2 oz0.3 oz to 4 oz
    Soldermask ColorsGreen, Black, Blue, Red, White, Clear, CustomYellow, Custom
    Silkscreen ColorsGreen, Black, Blue, Red, White, Clear, CustomYellow, Custom
    Filled ViasNon-Conductive FillNon-Conductive Fill or Conductive Fill
    Smallest Mechanical Drill Diameter0.010″0.004″
    Smallest Laser Drill DiameterN/A0.003″
    Blind ViasNoYes
    Buried ViasNoYes
    Aspect Ratio10:0115:01
    Plated Hole to Copper0.008″0.005″
    Clearance – Copper to Edge of BoardOuter Layer – 0.010″Outer Layer – 0.005″
    Inner Layer – 0.015″Inner Layer – 0.005″
    Minimum Panel Size9″ x 12″8″ x 8″
    Maximum Panel Size18″ x 24″24″ x 36″
    Plated SlotsRoutedRouted or Nibbled
    Non-Plated SlotsRoutedRouted or Nibbled
    Plating in Holes0.0008″0.0015″
    Web (or Mask Width)0.006″0.003″
    Soldermask Swell0.003″0.001″
    Silkscreen Width0.003″0.003″
    Inspection & Testing Criteria
    IPC Class 2YesYes
    IPC Class 3NoYes
    Netlist Generation and Netlist CompareYesYes
    Trace / Space
    Outer Layers (finished copper)1 oz. Cu – Min .005″ Trace/Space1 oz. Cu – Min .002″ Trace/Space
    2 oz. Cu – Min .008″ Trace/Space2 oz. Cu – Min .006″ Trace/Space
    3 oz. Cu – Min .012″ Trace/Space3 oz. Cu – Min .008″ Trace/Space
    4 oz. Cu – Min .014″ Trace/Space4 oz. Cu – Min .012″ Trace/Space
    5 oz. Cu – Min .016″ Trace/Space
    Inner Layers
    0.3 oz Cu – Min .002″ Trace/Space0.5 oz Cu – Min .003″ Trace/Space
    0.5 oz Cu – Min .005″ Trace/Space1 oz. Cu – Min .005″ Trace/Space
    1 oz. Cu – Min .006″ Trace/Space2 oz. Cu – Min .008″ Trace/Space
    2 oz. Cu – Min .012″ Trace/Space3 oz. Cu – Min .0012″ Trace/Space
    4 oz. Cu – Min .016″ Trace/Space
    Min drilled diameter, final board thickness 0.031″ or less0.008″0.004″
    Min drilled diameter, final board thickness between 0.031″ and 0.062″0.010″0.006″
    Min drilled diameter, final board thickness between 0.062″ and 0.093″0.012″0.010″
    Min drilled diameter, final board thickness between 0.093″ and 0.125″0.015″0.012″
    Min laser diameter, dielectric thickness less than or equal to 0.004″N/A0.003″
    Min laser diameter, dielectric thickness between 0.004″ and 0.005″N/A0.004″
    Min laser diameter, dielectric thickness between 0.005″ and 0.007″N/A0.005″
    Controlled depth blind viasNoYes, max 0.75:1 aspect ratio
    Pre-drilled core blind viasNoYes
    Sub-lamination blind viasNoYes
    Build-up technologyNoUp to 4-N-4, Any layer
    Buried viasNoYes
    Filled viasNon-Conductive fillNon-Conductive or Conductive fill
    Largest hole0.247″ plated, 0.250″ non-platedNo maximum
    SlotsPlated or non-plated, routedPlated or non-plated, routed or nibbled
    Plating in holes0.0008″0.0015″
    Plated hole to copper0.008″0.005″
    Surface Finish
    Hot Air Solder Level (HASL – Lead)YesYes
    Hot Air Solder Level (HASL – Lead-Free)YesYes
    Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG)YesYes
    Immersion SilverYesYes
    Hard Gold Fingers with ENIGYesYes
    Hard Gold Fingers with HASLYesYes
    Electrolytic Soft GoldYesYes
    Electroless Nickel Electroless Palladium Immersion Gold (ENEPIG)NoYes
    Organic Surface Protectant (OSP)YesYes
    Bare CopperYesYes
    Electroless Palladium Immersion Gold (EPIG)NoYes
    Tin NickelNoYes
    White TinYesYes
    Carbon InkNoYes
    ColorsGreen, Black, Blue, Red, White, Clear, CustomYellow, Custom
    Finish/TextureSemi-gloss, MatteSemi-gloss, Matte
    Tented ViasYesYes
    Soldermask Plugged ViasYesYes
    Soldermask Thickness over Copper5 micron to 25 micron5 micron to 25 micron
    Soldermask Web5 mil3 mil
    Soldermask Gap to Pad4 mil2 mil
    Copper Ring Under Mask-Defined Pad3 mil1 mil
    Peelable SoldermaskNoYes
    LPI SoldermaskYesYes
    Dry Film SoldermaskNoYes
    ColorsGreen, Black, Blue, Red, White, Clear, CustomYellow, Custom
    Minimum Legend Width3 mil3 mil
    Space between Silkscreen and Pad5 mil4 mil
    Controlled Impedance
    Layers0-10 Layers0-30 Layers
    Impedance ToleranceSingle-ended +/- 10%Single-ended +/- 5%
    Impedance ToleranceDifferential Pairs +/- 10%Differential Pairs +/- 5%
    Impedance ToleranceCoplanar Waveguide +/- 10%Coplanar Waveguide +/- 5%
    TDR TestingYes, IncludedYes, Included
    Board Thickness
    1-Layer or 2-LayerMin .015″ | Max .200″Min .008″ | Max .250″
    4-LayerMin .020″ | Max .200″Min .015″ | Max .250″
    6-LayerMin .031″ | Max .200″Min .025″ | Max .250″
    8-LayerMin .047″ | Max .200″Min .031″ | Max .250″
    10-LayerMin .062″ | Max .200″Min .040″ | Max .250″
    12-LayerMin .062″ | Max .200″Min .047″ | Max .250″
    14-LayerMin .062″ | Max .200″Min .054″ | Max .250″
    16-LayerMin .062″ | Max .200″Min .062″ | Max .250″
    CNC / Routing / Score / Mechanical Rules
    Router Bit Size0.078″Min 0.021″, Max. 0.078″
    Spacing for Tab Rout Array0.100″
    Standard V- Score Angle30°20°, 30°, 45°, 60°
    V-Score DepthOne third of board thickness (min 0.010″)
    Jump ScoreNoYes, overshoot up to 0.35″
    Scoring DirectionVertical and HorizontalRouted Scoring
    Bevel Angle20, 30, 45, or 60 Degree Gold Finger BevelMilling/Offset or Recessed Beveling
    Countersinks60, 82, 90, 100 Degree Countersink **60, 82, 90, 100 Degree Countersink **
    Edge CastellationsNoCastellated Edges Min .040″
    Plated EdgesNoYes
    Cross SectionLevel 1Level 1, Level 2, Level 3

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.


    ALLPCB is a Chinese PCB fabricator established in 2015. ALLPCB serves enterprises related to consumer electronics, communication equipment, Industrial Control (ISC), electronic instruments and apparatus, intelligent hardware, Internet of Things (IoT) application and Industry 4.0 solutions, etc.

    ALLPCB’s PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    Technical indexMass BatchSmall batchSample
    Base MaterialFR4Normal TgShengyi S1141, KB6160,Huazhen H140(not suitable for lead free process )
    Middle TgFor HDI, multi layers: SY S1000H、ITEQIT158、HuazhengH150; TU-662;
    High TgFor thick copper、high layer:SY S1000-2;  ITEQIT180A; HuazhengH170;ISOLA:FR408R; 370HR; TU-752;
    Halogen FreeMiddle Tg :SY S1150G、HuazhengH150HF、H160HF;high Tg:  SY S1165
    High CTICTI≥600 SY S1600、Huazheng H1600HF、H1600A;
    High FrequencyRogers、 Arlon、Taconic、SY SCGA-500、S7136; HuazhengH5000
    High SpeedSY S7439;TU-862HF、TU-872SLK;ISOLA:I-Speed、I-Tera@MT40;Huazheng:H175、H180、H380
    Flex MaterialBaseGlue-free:Dupont AK  XingyangW-type, Panosonic RF-775;
    CoverlaySY SF305C、Xingyang Q-type
    Special PPNo flow PP:       VT-447LF,Taiguang 370BL   Arlon 49N
    Ceramic filled adhesive sheet:   Rogers4450F
    PTFE adhesive sheet:    Arlon6700、Taconic FR-27/FR-28
    Double-sided coatingPI:  xingyang N-1010TF-mb
    Metal BaseBerguist Al-base 、Huazheng Al-base、chaosun Al-base、copperbase
    SpecialHigh heat resistance rigidity PI: Tenghui VT-901、Arlon 85N,SY S260(Tg250)
    High thermal conductivity material:92ML
    Pure ceramic material:alumina ceramic、Aluminum nitride ceramics
    BT material:   Taiwan Nanya NGP-200WT
    Rigid&Flex /(Flex)16(12)20(12)24(16)
    High Frequency Mixed Lamination121824
    100% PTFE41218
    HDI2 steps3 steps4 steps
    Delivery Size
    Width / GapInner(mil)0.5OZ base copper:  3/3      1.0OZ base copper:  4/4     2.0OZ base copper:  5/6
    3.0OZ base copper:  7/9      4.0OZ base copper: 8/12     5.0OZ base copper: 10/15
    6.0OZ base copper: 12/18     10 OZ base copper: 18/24    12 OZ base copper: 20/28
    Outer(mil)1/3OZ base copper:  3/3     0.5OZ base copper:  4/4     1.0OZ base copper:  5/5
    2.0OZ base copper:  6/8     3.0OZ base copper: 7/10     4.0OZ base copper: 8/13
    5.0OZ base copper: 10/16    6.0OZ base copper: 12/18    10 OZ base copper: 18/24
    12 OZ base copper: 20/28    15 OZ base copper: 24/32
    Line Width Tolerance>5.0 mil±20%±20%±1.0mil
    ≤5.0 mil±1.0mil±1.0mil±1.0mil
    Copper ThicknessInner layer(OZ)4612
    Out layer(OZ)4615
    Board thickness(mm)0.5-5.00.4-6.50.4-11.5
    Final Board Thickness>1.0 mm±10%±8%±8%
    ≤1.0 mm±0.1mm±0.1mm±0.1mm
    Board thickness/drill bit10:112:113:1
    ContourBevel edge20~60 degree;±5degree
    Bow and twist≤0.75%≤0.75%≤0.5%

    Drill & Hole

    Technical indexMass BatchSmall batchSample
    DrillingMin laser (mm)
    Min CNC(mm)
    Max CNC drill bit(mm)
    Min Half Hole(mm)
    PTH Hole (mm)Normal±0.1±0.075±0.075
    Pressing Hole±0.05±0.05±0.05
    Hole Angle (conical)Width of upper diameter≤6.5mm:800、900、1000、1100;Width of upper diameter≥6.5mm:900;
    Precision of Depth-control Drilling(mm)±0.10±0.075±0.05
    Number of blind CNC holes of one side≤2≤3≤4
    Minimum via hole spacing (different network, military, medical, automobile )mm0.500.450.40
    Minimum via hole spacing (different network, general industrial control and consumer electronic ) mm0.40.350.3
    The minimum hole wall spacing of the over hole (the same network mm)
    Minimum hole wall spacing (mm) for device holes0.800.700.70
    The minimum distance from via hole to the inner copper or line0.20.18≤10L: 0.15
    >10L: 0.18
    The min distance from Device hole to inner copper or line0.30.270.25
    Welding Ring
    Via hole4(HDI 3mil)3.5(HDI 3mil)3
    Component hole866
    Final Board Thickness>1.0 mm±10%±8%±8%
    ≤1.0 mm±0.1mm±0.1mm±0.1mm
    CNCcontour tolerance(mm)±0.15±0.10±0.10
    V-CUT Tolerance of residual thickness(mm)
    Routing slot(mm)±0.15±0.10±0.10
    Precision of controlled deep milling(mm)±0.15±0.10±0.10

    Solder Mask

    Technical indexMass BatchSmall batchSample
    Solder Dam (mil)(solder mask)544

    Surface Treatments

    Technical indexMass BatchSmall batchSample
    Surface TreatmentsImmersion goldNi thickness
    (micro inch)
    Max gold (uinch)336
    Hard gold(Au thick)Gold finger
    Graph electric goldNI
    Immersion tinTin
    Immersion AgAg
    HAL/HAL LFBGApad(mm)≥0.3×0.3
    Board thickness vs hole diameterPress hole≤3:1

    Rigid & Flex

    Technical indexMass BatchSmall batchSample
    Rigid & FlexMaximum dielectric thickness of flexGlue –free 25umGlue-free 75umGlue-free75um
    Flex part width(mm)≥10≥5≥2
    Max delivery size (mm)200×400200×500400 ×550
    distance of via hole to edge of Rigid&flex(mm)≥1.2≥1.0≥0.8
    (mm)distance of components hole to the edge of R&F≥1.5≥1.2≥1.0
    Rigid & FlexStructureThe outer layer structure of the flex part, the PI reinforcement structure and the separation structureAluminum based rigid flex , rigid flex HDI, combination, electromagnetic shielding film

    Special Tech

    Technical indexMass BatchSmall batchSample
    Special TechBack drilling PCB, metal sandwich, thick copper buried blind hole, step slot, disc hole, half hole, mixed laminationBuried magnetic core PCBBuried capacitor / resistor, embedded copper in partial area, 100% ceramic PCB,  buried riveting nut PCB, embedded components PCB

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.


    JLCPCB is a Chinese PCB fabricator established in 2006.

    JLCPCB’s PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    Layer count1,2,4,6 layersThe number of copper layers in the board.
    Controlled Impedance4/6 layer, default layer stack-upControlled Impedance PCB Layer StackupJLCPCB Impedance Calculator
    MaterialFR-4FR-4 Standard Tg 130-140/ Tg 155
    Dielectric constant4.5(double-side PCB)

    7628 structure 4.6

    2313 structure 4.05

    2116 structure 4.25

    Max. Dimension400x500mmThe maximum dimension JLCPCB can accept
    Dimension Tolerance±0.2mm±0.2mm for CNC routing, and ±0.4mm for V-scoring
    Board Thickness0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.6/2.0mmThe thickness of finished board.

    Thickness Tolerance

    ( Thickness≥1.0mm)

    ± 10%e.g. For the 1.6mm board thickness, the finished board thickness ranges from 1.44mm(T-1.6×10%) to 1.76mm(T+1.6×10%)

    Thickness Tolerance

    ( Thickness<1.0mm)

    ± 0.1mme.g. For the 0.8mm board thickness, the finished board thickness ranges from 0.7mm(T-0.1) to 0.9mm(T+0.1).
    Finished Outer Layer Copper1 oz/2 oz (35um/75um)Finished copper weight of outer layer is 1oz or 2oz.
    Finished Inner Layer Copper0.5 oz (17um)Finished copper weight of inner layer is 0.5oz only.

    Drill/Hole Size

    Drill Hole Size (Mechanical)0.20mm- 6.30mmMin. drill size is 0.20mm. Max. drill size is 6.30mm.
    Drill Hole Size Tolerance+0.13/-0.08mme.g. for the 0.6mm hole size, the finished hole size between 0.52mm to 0.73mm is acceptable.
    Blind/Buried ViasDon’t supportCurrently we don’t support Blind/Buried Vias, only make through holes.
    Min. Via hole size0.2mmFor Single&Double Layer PCB, the minimum via hole size is 0.3mm;For Multi Layer PCB, the minimum via hole size is 0.2mm
    Min. Via diameter0.45mmFor Single&Double Layer PCB, the minimum Via diameter is 0.6mm;For Multi Layer PCB, the minimum via diameter is 0.45mm.
    PTH hole Size0.20mm – 6.35mmThe annular ring size will be enlarged to 0.15mm in production.
    Pad Size0.70mm- 6.35mmThe pad hole size will be enlarged 0.15mm in production.
    Min. Non-plated holes0.50mmThe minimum NPTH dimension is 0.50mm, Please add the NPTH in the mechanical layer or keep out layer.
    Min. Plated Slots0.65mmThe minimum plated slot width is 0.65mm, which is drawn with a pad.
    Min. Non-Plated Slots1.0mmThe minimum Non-Plated Slot Width is 1.0mm, please draw the slot outline in the mechanical layer(GML or GKO)
    Min. Castellated Holes0.60mmThe minimum diameter of castellated holes is 0.60mm.
    Hole size Tolerance (Plated)+0.13mm/-0.08mme.g. for the 1.00mm Plated hole, the finished hole size between 0.92mm to 1.13mm is acceptable.
    Hole size Tolerance (Non-Plated)±0.2mme.g. for the 1.00mm Non-Plated hole, the finished hole size between 0.80mm to 1.20mm is acceptable.
    Rectangle Hole/SlotDon’t supportWe don’t make rectangle hole/slot,the rectangle hole/slot will be made as round or oval hole/slot by default.

    Minimum Annular Ring

    Minimum annular ringPTH
    1oz Copper0.13mm0.3mm
    2oz Copper0.2mm0.3mm

    Minimum clearance

    Hole to hole clearance(Different nets)0.5mm
    Via to Via clearance(Same nets)0.254mm
    Pad to Pad clearance(Pad without hole, Different nets)0.127mm
    Pad to Pad clearance(Pad with hole, Different nets)0.5mm
    Via to Track0.254mm
    PTH to Track0.33mm
    NPTH to Track0.254mm
    Pad to Track0.2m

    Minimum trace width and spacing

    Copper weightMin. Trace widthMin. Spacing
    H/HOZ (Inner layer)5mil (0.127mm)5mil (0.127mm)
    1oz (Outer layer)1/2 layers: 5mil (0.127mm)
    4/6 layers: 3.5mil(0.09mm)
    1/2 layers: 5mil (0.127mm)
    4/6 layers: 3.5mil(0.09mm)
    2oz (Outer layer)8mil (0.2mm)8mil (0.2mm)


    Layer countMin. BGA Pad DimensionsMin. Distance Between BGA
    1/2 layers0.4 mm0.127mm
    4/6 layers0.25 mm0.127mm

    Solder Mask

    Solder mask opening/ expansion0.05mmThe solder mask should have a minimum of a 0.05 mm “growth/mask opening” around the pad to allow for any mis-registration.
    Solder bridge


    0.254mm(other colors)

    To have solder mask bridge, the spacing between copper pads edge must be 0.2mm (8mils) or more.
    Solder mask colorgreen, red, yellow, blue, white, and black.We use LPI (Liquid Photo Imageable) solder mask. It is the most common type of mask used today.
    Solder mask dielectric constant3.8
    Solder mask thickness10-15UM


    Minimum Line Width6 mil (0.153mm)Characters width less than 6mil(0.153mm) will be unidentifiable.
    Minimum text height32 mil (0.8mm)Characters height less than 32mil(0.8mm) will be unidentifiable.
    Character width to height ratio1:6The preferred ratio of width to height is 1:6.
    Pad To Silkscreen0.15mmThe Minimum Distance Between Pad and Silkscreen is 0.15mm.

    Board Outlines

    Trace to Outline0.2mmShips as individual board(Rounting):Trace to Outline≥0.2mm
    Trace to V-cut line0.4mmShip as panel with V-scoring: Trace to V-cut line≥0.4mm


    Panelization without space0mmThe space between boards is 0mm.
    Panelization with space2mmMake sure the space between boards should be ≥2mm,otherwise it will be hard to process for rounding.
    Panelized Round board≥20mmx20mm

    The single round board size should be≥20mmx20mm.

    Panelize with stamp holes and add tooling strips on four board edges

    Panelized castellated holes boardPanelize with stamp holes and add tooling strips on four board edges

    The distance between castellated hole and board corner should be larger than 4mm.

    Recommended diameter of stamp hole is 0.5mm-0.8mm;

    Recommended distance between the two stamp holes is 0.2-0.3mm

    Min. Width of Breakaway Tab4mmThe minimum width of breakaway tab is 4mm. For breakaway with mouse-bites, the minimum width is 5mm.
    Min. Edge Rails4mmIf choosing panel by JLCPCB, we will add 5mm edge rails on both sides by default.

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.


    Operating since 2017, PCBgogo is PCB and PCB assembly manufacturer in China.

    PCBgogo’s PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    No.ItemManufacturing Capabilities 
    1MaterialFR-4 (Fiberglass)
    2Number of Layers

    1 Layer, 2 Layers, 4 Layers, 6 Layer, 8 Layers,

    10 Layers

    3TG GradeTG130~140, TG150~160, TG170~180
    4Max PCB Size

    1 layer & 2 layers: 1200*300mm or 600*500mm

    Multi-layers: 600*500mm

    5Min PCB Size5mm*5mm
    6Board Size Tolerance(Outline)

    ±0.2mm(CNC routing)


    7Surface FinishHASL with lead, HASL lead free, Immersion gold(ENIG), OSP, Hard gold, ENEPIG, Immersion silver (Ag), None
    8Board Thickness

    1 Layer/2 Layers: 0.2~2.4mm

    4 Layers: 0.4~2.4mm

    6 Layers: 0.8~2.4mm

    8 Layers: 1.0~2.4mm

    10 Layers: 1.2~2.4mm


    Note: Customized PCB thickness and Layer stackup are acceptable.

    9Board Thickness Tolerance

    Thickness≥1.0mm: ±10%

    Thickness<1.0mm: ±0.1mm


    Note: Normally “+ Tolerance” will occur due to PCB processing steps such as electroless copper, solder mask and other types of finish on the surface.

    10Outer Layer Copper Thickness






    PCB thickness≥1.2mm,

    Via size≥0.25mm,

    Min Track/Spacing≥0.15mm



    PCB thickness≥2.0mm,

    Via size≥0.3mm,

    Min Track/Spacing≥0.2mm

    11Inner Layer Copper Thickness



    12Outer layer Min track/spacing≥3mil
    13Inner layer Min track/spacing≥4mil
    14Annual ring size≥0.13mm
    15Grid Line track/spacing≥0.2mm
    16Coil board Line track/spacing≥0.2mm
    17BGA pad size≥0.2mm
    18BGA Distance≥0.12mm
    19Board Outlines

    Track to Outline: ≥0.3mm

    Trace to V-cut line: ≥0.4mm

    20Finished Hole Size Tolerance±0.08mm
    21Finished Hole Diameter(CNC)



    1. PCB Thickness=2.0mm, Min

    hole size is 0.3mm

    2. PCB Thickness=2.4mm, Min

    hole size is 0.4mm

    3. Copper Thickness=2OZ, Min

    hole size is 0.25mm

    4. Copper Thickness=3OZ, Min

    hole size is 0.3mm

    22TH Via Distance

    Equipotential: 0.15mm

    Isoelectric: 0.25mm

    23Plated Slot Size




    L:W=2.5: 1 (Should be 2.5:1 or

    higher. If it is less than this, the holes may be misaligned.)  If you can’t draw a long hole in your design, you can draw a continuous round hole and it will be regarded as a long hole. Also, it is okay to draw the oblong hole in Profile Layer instead of  Drilling Layer.

    24Castellated Holes≥0.6mm
    25Non-Plated Holes≥0.8mm
    26NPTH to Copper Line≥0.2mm
    27SoldermaskGreen, Red, Yellow, White, Black, Blue, Purple, Matte Green,Matte Black,None
    28Soldermask Thickness20~30um
    29Soldermask Bridge

    Green: ≥0.1mm

    Others: ≥0.15mm

    30Soldermask to soldering pad distance≥0.05mm
    31SilkscreenWhite, Black, Yellow, None
    32Minimum Character Width(Legend)



    Note: Characters of less than 0.15mm wide will be too narrow to be identifiable.

    33Minimum Character Height (Legend)



    Note: Characters of less than 0.8mm high will be too small to be recognizable.

    34Character Width to Height Ratio (Legend)1: 5 (In PCB silkscreen legends processing, 1:5 is the most suitable ratio)
    35Silkscreen to Soldermask Distance≥0.1mm
    36V-cut Line




    PCB thickness≥0.6mm

    Details refer to right side


    37V-cut Line Distance≥3.5mm
    38Distance betwen Board to Board0.8mm
    39Stamp-hole Width



    Note: PCB size and thickness are subject to review by PCBGOGO.

    40Tab-route Width



    Note: PCB size and thickness are subject to review by PCBGOGO.

    41Edge Rail



    Note: If choosing panel by PCBGOGO, we will add 5mm edge rails on both sides by default.

    42Gold Finger

    Bevelling Angle: 30~45°

    Depth: ≥1mm

    Length: 45mm~280mm


    Note: Board thickness≥1.2mm

    43Special Specification

    Impedance control

    Custom Layer Stackup

    Interstitial Via Hole(IVH)

    Via in pad

    Via filled with resin


    Carbon Mask


    Z-axis milling

    Edge Plating


    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.


    PCBWay is a PCB manufacturer and SMT Assemblers in China.

    PCBgogo’s PCB Manufacturing Capabilities

    Number of LayersGeneral PCB board2-40
    Buried ICyes
    HDI(buried and blind vias)HDI(5+N+5)
    staggered and stacked vias
    High TgTg-220
    EHalongen Freeyes
    High Frequencyyes
    Maximum board size20*35inch(508*889mm)
    Board thickness0.21-6.0mm
    Minimum track line2mil-inner 2mil-outer
    Minimum Spacing line2mil-inner 2mil-outer
    Outer layer copper thickness7oz
    Inner layer copper thickness7oz
    Min. finished hole size(Mechanical)0.15mmyes
    Min. finished hole size(laser hole)0.076mmyes
    Aspect ratio12:1
    Solder Mask Types and brandNAYA(LP_4G)yes
    Solder Mask Colorgreen;blue;red;white;blackyes
    Impedance Control Tolerance±10%,50Ω and below:±5Ωyes
    Plug via holeMin.size can be plugged:0.1mm
    Max.size can be plugged:0.7mm
    Min. annular ring can be kept3mil
    Min. distance between the IC pads
    can keep SM bridge
    Min. SM bridge for green soldermask3mil
    Min. SM bridge for black soldermask4mil
    Surface TreatmentHASLyes
    V-CutCNC V-cut, degree20\30\45\60
    V-cut by hand, degree20\30\45\60
    Outline ProfileCNC
    ChamferThe angle typeof the chamfer:20\30\45
    Min. distance of jumping chamfer:5mm
    Tolerance of the dimension size±0.1mm
    Tolerance of the board thickness0.21-1.0±0.1
    Tolerance of the finished hole size0-0.3mm±0.08mm
    Certificates(copies are needed)ULyes

    Don't Take Risks When Ordering Your PCBs

    Camptech takes the risk out of ordering PCBs. Big on capabilities. Small in price. Exceptional quality.